All images ©Ron Peters/RP Design. All Rights Reserved
Tee Shirt, grill badge- 912 Registry 2020 East Coast Rendezvous
Adobe Illustrator Vector Art

Tee Shirt, window sticker- 912 Registry 2019 West Coast Rendezvous
Adobe Illustrator Vector Art

Tee Shirt art- Blip-Shift
Adobe Illustrator Vector Art

Tee Shirt and Sticker art- Benton Performance
Adobe Illustrator Vector Art

Adobe Illustrator Vector Art
Sweet Bobo's BBQ Rub, Mabel's Nuts and Jack Black's Ye Old Black Rub

Badge, Tee Shirt and Sticker design- 912 Resistry
Adobe Illustrator Vector Art

Engine Grill Badges

Tee Shirts

Rally Stickers
Tee/Sticker Design- RP Design
Adobe Illustrator Vector Art

Tee Shirt Designs- Atomic Industries©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Tee Shirt Designs- Jeb's Metal and Speed©
Pencil and Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Tee shirt art- MOFOs CC©
Pen and Ink, Adobe Illustrator

Tee Shirt Design- Richard's Hot Rods©
Pencil, Ink, Adobe Illustrator

Packaging Graphics- Burnco Industries©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Tee Shirt Design- Burnco Industries©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Logo designs- Burnning Planet©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Flyer- Crazy Al©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Logo Design- Crazy Al©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Web Design- Bob's Big Boy®
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, DreamWeaver

Decals- Bob's Big Boy®
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Elevation View Bob's Big Boy™ sign proposal

Tee Shirt Concept- Viva Las Vegas©
Pen and Ink, Colored in Photoshop

Tee Shirt Design-Viva Las Vegas©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

Car Club Plaques- Viva Las Vegas©
Adobe Illustrator- Vector Art

"Booze, Broads and Bombs"
Tribute to the Ghost Pilot of Kienow- "Corn" Sherril"
Ink and Guache on fiberboard
5" x 7"

"Fortune favors the bold"
Tribute to Fred Larsen- Hot Rod pioneer
Ink and Guache on fiberboard
16" x 12"